Kripparrian was found dead in his home on March 2nd. At the scene of his death were thousands of tissues full of cum and 100 open pornhub tabs. It is estimated that Kripp masturbated at least 300 times per day for the last week, resulting in his penis exploding and him bleeding to death.
Dex barks at Kripp
twitchquotes: "Alright, bark at Kripp, I guess" "Haven't barked at Kripp in a while, let's go bark" "Barking at Kripp isn't that good, but alright"
OhMyDog "Alright, bark at Kripp, I guess" OhMyDog "Haven't barked at Kripp in a while, let's go bark" OhMyDog "Barking at Kripp isn't that good, but alright" OhMyDog