[Copypasta] Well you see, the question of "who asked?" is simply a paradox

Well you see, the question of "who asked?" is simply a paradox. Because by asking "who asked?", you are implying that people need to be asked before speaking. But following that logic, you would have needed to have someone grant you permission to say that, because who asked you to say "who asked?"? Exactly, nobody did, and nobody can ask anyone to give them permission to give you permission because no one asked them. And this perpetual loop never ends, creating a paradox. So by you saying "who asked?", you admit that you are a stupid fucking retard, and I fucked your mom bitch.
March 2025
(▀̿Ĺ̯├┬┴┬┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
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Hey Kripp, Art of Conquest developer here

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