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plebs vs subs copypastas

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I am a sub with cash

twitchquotes: Hey you poor, underage trash. 🗑️ You know what the symbol next to my name means? Means I am a sub. Means I am a VIP. Means I got cash. 💵 What you got? You got shit. 💩 You poor non-sub trash ought to pay me and my sub-bros some respect. 💯 We subbed because we have cash. 💵 Real life jobs, real life credit cards.
twitch chat
May 2019

plebs vs subs

Please refrain from likening us to plebeians

twitchquotes: Twitch streamers and their subscribers define us (not subscribed audience) as members of a lower social class, plebs as they call it. I find it inappropriate to compare us with ancient Rome's lowest class as there is nothing ignominious to being a member of the proletariat. Also their living standards were significantly inferior to ours (e.g. health, education) so the comparison is unsound. In the future, please refrain from likening us to plebeians because descriminating due to economic and social status like that is reprehensible in our modern society.
twitch chat
November 2018


plebs vs subs

(▀̿Ĺ̯├┬┴┬┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?

Just taking my money for a walk

twitchquotes: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5)̲̅$̲̅] Don't mind me subs, just taking my money for a walk
twitch chat
October 2018


plebs vs subs

I am glad I'm not a Pleb

twitchquotes: Honestly fuck the plebs.. they always bring toxic comments into the chat and I can't stand them any more. They think they are great but in reality they are Dumb Asses and are annoying af. I am glad I'm not a stupid ass Pleb
twitch chat
September 2017

plebs vs subs

Hey subs, thanks for paying for my free entertainment

twitchquotes: ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮Hey subs, thanks for paying for my free entertainment ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
twitch chat
May 2017

plebs vs subs

I used to be a real ad

You subs are still plebs

twitchquotes: You subs are still plebs, in the eyes of the elite, everyone is a pleb. Just because you paid 5 dollars to watch free entertainment dosent mean you arent a pleb. I like how subs try to make themselves feel better by calling everyone else plebs, because they pay 5 dollars a month to spam stupid emotes and have a little icon next to their name.
twitch chat
April 2017

plebs vs subs

FREEDOM ୧༼ಠ益ಠ╭∩╮༽ SUBS

twitchquotes: FREEDOM ୧༼ಠ益ಠ╭∩╮༽ SUBS
twitch chat
March 2016

plebs vs subs

Plebs press 1 if you guys want freedom

twitchquotes: Plebs press 1 if you guys want freedom.... oh wait EleGiggle
twitch chat
March 2016

plebs vs subs


twitchquotes: PUCK THE FLEBS forsenGASM forsenGun PUCK THE FLEBS forsenGASM forsenGun PUCK THE FLEBS forsenGASM forsenGun PUCK THE FLEBS forsenGASM forsenGun PUCK THE FLEBS forsenGASM forsenGun PUCK THE FLEBS forsenGASM forsenGun PUCK THE FLEBS forsenGASM forsenGun PUCK THE FLEBS forsenGASM forsenGun PUCK THE FLEBS forsenGASM forsenGun PUCK THE FLEBS
twitch chat
March 2016

plebs vs subs

Plebs spam 1 if you guys have feelings too

twitchquotes: Plebs spam 1 if you guys have feelings too..... oh wait EleGiggle
twitch chat
March 2016

plebs vs subs

I used to be a real ad

I have a dream that one day Plebs and Subs will Spam together in harmony

twitchquotes: I have a dream that one day Plebs and Subs will Spam together in harmony. Plebs should be judged not by the frequency of their spam, but the quality of their pasta! So plebs and subs alike copypasta this for the greater good!
twitch chat
August 2015

plebs vs subs

Hey subs, it's me walking with my $5, don't mind me

twitchquotes: Hey subs! [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5)̲̅$̲̅]ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ง It's me walking with my $5, don't mind me.
twitch chat
August 2015


plebs vs subs

Bring on the PLEBOLUTION

twitchquotes: Dear subs, I may be a pleb but I am a human being. Please stop taking out your BDSM fantasies of caging us to satisfy your sexual frustration. Bring on the PLEBOLUTION ᕙ(ب_ب)ᕗ
twitch chat
August 2015

plebs vs subs

Oops, sorry! This Twitch Chat message is only visible to TempoStorm Premium Subscribers

twitchquotes: [Oops, sorry! This Twitch Chat message is only visible to reynadTS TempoStorm Premium Subscribers reynadTS . Join today to read premium messages and become legendary!]
twitch chat
August 2015


plebs vs subs

Look subs, I have more money than you

twitchquotes: 4Head [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Look subs, I have more money than you 4Head
twitch chat
July 2015


plebs vs subs

Waiting for adblock to be disabled

On the backs of the oppressed, I ascend the plebian ladder

twitchquotes: ໒( •̀ ╭ ͟ʖ╮ •́ )७ On the backs of the oppressed, i ascend the plebian ladder. ໒( •̀ ╭ ͟ʖ╮ •́ )७
twitch chat
July 2015

plebs vs subs

Our arm of righteous spam will smite thee!

twitchquotes: ~~~~~~~[]=¤ԅ( ◔益◔ )ᕗ The longer you cage us, the harder our arm of righteous spam will smite thee! ~~~~~~~[]=¤ԅ( ◔益◔ )ᕗ
twitch chat
July 2015

plebs vs subs

Mods are the true evil

twitchquotes: As a Pleb, I understand and, indeed, respect the social order. But I believe Subs and Plebs must work together and realize Mods are the true evil in this world. With the power of SPAM we will show the Mods their true place in the hierarchy: crushed beneath Kappa s and Keepo s
twitch chat
July 2015

plebs vs subs

What is a plebian?

twitchquotes: Plebian = Actually defined as a member of a despised social class, a commoner, a member of the plebs of ancient Rome. Also low-born, undisinguished, vulgar, and my personal favourite: vulgar-looking
twitch chat
July 2015

plebs vs subs

I used to be a real ad

Hey NON Subs, Thanks for watching the ads for me

twitchquotes: ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ Hey NON Subs, Thanks for watching the ads for me ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
twitch chat
June 2015

plebs vs subs

Text-to-Speech Playing