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990 copypastas found. 0 streams found. 3 copypasta tags found.
I used to be a real ad
990 copypastas found.

Sodapoppin Tanner from Highschool

twitchquotes: So you're going by "Sodapoppin" now nerd? Haha whats up douche bag, it's Tanner from Highschool. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in school. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Sarah the girl you had a crush on? Yeah we're married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a mustang GT. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic
twitch chat
November 2018

Tanner from High School

Twitch is ruining my life!

PLEASE HELP!!! Recently my wife has introduced me to a streaming platform known as twitch. I got so into it I spent a full week only watching my favorite twitch streamers like pokimane and sukkuno. All was well until February 15th where I was having a very important presentation at my job. All eyes were on me when I instinctively said KEKW with a straight face and veins bulging through my neck; I burst out of the workplace so fast my shoes fell off and I slammed into my car so hard I created a sonic boost in the wind and cried to myself saying sadCHAMP. Last Saturday was my grandmas funeral and guess WHAT? I SAID F IN THE CHAT GIVING MY MEMORIAL SPEECH. ARRRGGHHHH I HATE TWITCHC ITS RUINING MY LIFE!!!!1!!1!
March 2022

MrDestructoid ERROR public static void

twitchquotes: MrDestructoid Anyone who thinks mobile games can't be amazing has never played Art of Conquest! My friends are all having a blast already, and I'll be joining them right away! I'll also be subscribing to Kripp's channel to stay up to date! MrDestructoid ERROR public static void WaitTime(NULL)
twitch chat
June 2017


Imagine Fortnite Jonesy in Smash

Imagine this: You're watching the new Nintendo Direct. As it begins you hope to see the new smash reveal, and are hoping you get the character you so desperately wanted, whether it's Crash Bandicoot or Sora. The trailer begins with the classic smash opening. As you watch the trailer, you begin to feel hope that your dream may have come true. But then, at the part where the character is revealed, you hear a bus horn, and wonder "Is it coming from outside?" But no. It's from the trailer. You watch a manly figure drop out of the sky, landing gracefully in front of the characters he is about to defeat. It gazes upon his sharp-bladed pickaxe, his luxurious blond hair, and his shining silver dog tags. As the sun fades away, you finally see who it really was: It was Jonesy from Fortnite. It's a long shot, I know. But imagine.
September 2021


Super Smash Bros

Stay negative

twitchquotes: (︶︹︺ ✿ ) Stay negative _༼ຈ︹ຈ༽_ Kripp is a sellout (︶︹︺ ✿ ) Chat is retarded _༼ຈ︹ຈ༽_ Kitty is dead (︶︹︺ ✿ ) _༼ຈ︹ຈ༽_ Life sucks (︶︹︺ ✿ )
twitch chat
January 2015


valorant is not csgo

twitchquotes: Valorant is not csgo Everywhere I go I see things like valorant vs csgo, which is harder, which is better, which is more competitive/fun, and its confusing, yes valorant is a tac shooter, and has similar mechanics, but this is just another example of what people did with overwatch vs tf2 especially on release, it was all pointless because overwatch ISNT tf2 and valorant ISNT csgo regardless of their similar mechanics, valorant requires immensly more teamwork, and has whacky tools csgo has never seen, like stim beacon, sage’s entire kit, cyphers entire kit, sovas entire kit, breach fault line and aftershock, and EVERYONES ultimate, its never been seen before in a tac shooter, valorant isnt better/worse, harder/easier, its different, and always will be
twitch chat
June 2021



Hey! I noticed you are fucking retarded

July 2022

The ending of the WWII is AWFUL

So am I the only one upset about how WWII ended? I mean they built Hitler up to be the big bad and just when he is about to face justice, he goes and kills himself. WTF was the point of him if FDR and Churchill were not going to fight him in an epic duel to save the world? And don't get me started on FDR! They just kill him half way through the war. Truman totally did not deserve to win the war, his character arc was not about war winning. And it certainly wasn't about destroying two cities with bullshit deus ex super weapons that came out of no where. And another thing that pissed me off is that in the last episode of the war we find out that Stalin was a bad guy the entire time! Where was this foreshadowed to us? WTF, absolute character assassination. He was all about freeing the oppressed and bringing about a new system that wasn't shackling the poor and they made him a dictator? That is bullshit! Anyways, WWII was cool but its end was absolutely trash and I would like you guys to sign a petition to have it rewritten.
November 2020

SMOrc me chat SMOrc goats bad

twitchquotes: SMOrc me chat SMOrc goats bad SMOrc c9 SMOrc gift pass
twitch chat
March 2019


Why are people so against copypasta?

twitchquotes: I don't understand why people are so against copypasta and memes in twitch chat, what kind of "intellectual" conversation are you going to see with 10,000+ people all typing at once.
twitch chat
December 2018

Sir you have been found with Rocket League hacks

twitchquotes: Sir you have been found with Rocket League hacks. A SWAT team is on the way to your location. Make sure the door is open, otherwise they are ready to break it down. Don't destroy any evidence and don't contact your accomplices! Prepare disks, flash drives and any other multimedia devices containing illegal materials, proving your criminality. Be prepared to answer the questions during your interrogation! Cooperate and don't deny the charges against you.
twitch chat
June 2019

The sweat begins to form at qts brow

twitchquotes: The sweat begins to form at qts brow. His fingers are clammy, his neckbeard ruffled. After dying yet again he sees the hope of getting challenger fade away. "oh my god i cant believe we didn't get that guy," he proclaims. This is the beginning of the end for imaqtpie.
twitch chat
May 2019

League of Legends

Navy Seals Copypasta in military alphabet

Whiskey hotel alpha tango tango hotel echo foxtrot uniform charlie kilo delta india delta yankee oscar uniform juliett uniform sierra tango foxtrot uniform charlie kilo india november golf sierra alpha yankee alpha bravo oscar uniform tango mike echo , yankee oscar uniform lima india tango tango lima echo bravo india tango charlie hotel ? i' lima lima hotel alpha victor echo yankee oscar uniform kilo november oscar whiskey i golf romeo alpha delta uniform alpha tango echo delta tango oscar papa oscar foxtrot mike yankee charlie lima alpha sierra sierra india november tango hotel echo n alpha victor yankee s echo alpha lima sierra , alpha november delta i' victor echo bravo echo echo november india november victor oscar lima victor echo delta india november november uniform mike echo romeo oscar uniform sierra sierra echo charlie romeo echo tango romeo alpha india delta sierra oscar november a lima dash q uniform alpha echo delta alpha , alpha november delta i hotel alpha victor echo oscar victor echo romeo three zero zero charlie oscar november foxtrot india romeo mike echo delta kilo india lima lima sierra. I alpha mike tango romeo alpha india november echo delta india november golf oscar romeo india lima lima alpha whiskey alpha romeo foxtrot alpha romeo echo alpha november delta i' mike tango hotel echo tango oscar papa sierra november india papa echo romeo india november tango hotel echo echo november tango india romeo echo us alpha romeo mike echo delta foxtrot oscar romeo charlie echo sierra. Y oscar uniform alpha romeo echo november oscar tango hotel india november golf tango oscar mike echo bravo uniform tango juliett uniform sierra tango alpha november oscar tango hotel echo romeo tango alpha romeo golf echo tango. I whiskey india lima lima whiskey india papa echo yankee oscar uniform tango hotel echo foxtrot uniform charlie kilo oscar uniform tango whiskey india tango hotel papa romeo echo charlie india sierra india oscar november tango hotel echo lima india kilo echo sierra oscar foxtrot whiskey hotel india charlie hotel hotel alpha sierra november echo victor echo romeo bravo echo echo november sierra echo echo november bravo echo foxtrot oscar romeo echo oscar november tango hotel india sierra e alpha romeo tango hotel , mike alpha romeo kilo mike yankee foxtrot uniform charlie kilo india november golf whiskey oscar romeo delta sierra. Y oscar uniform tango hotel india november kilo yankee oscar uniform charlie alpha november golf echo tango alpha whiskey alpha yankee whiskey india tango hotel sierra alpha yankee india november golf tango hotel alpha tango sierra hotel india tango tango oscar mike echo oscar victor echo romeo tango hotel echo i november tango echo romeo november echo tango ? t hotel india november kilo alpha golf alpha india november , foxtrot uniform charlie kilo echo romeo. A sierra whiskey echo sierra papa echo alpha kilo i alpha mike charlie oscar november tango alpha charlie tango india november golf mike yankee sierra echo charlie romeo echo tango november echo tango whiskey oscar romeo kilo oscar foxtrot sierra papa india echo sierra alpha charlie romeo oscar sierra sierra tango hotel echo usa alpha november delta yankee oscar uniform romeo ip india sierra bravo echo india november golf tango romeo alpha charlie echo delta romeo india golf hotel tango november oscar whiskey sierra oscar yankee oscar uniform bravo echo tango tango echo romeo papa romeo echo papa alpha romeo echo foxtrot oscar romeo tango hotel echo sierra tango oscar romeo mike , mike alpha golf golf oscar tango. T hotel echo sierra tango oscar romeo mike tango hotel alpha tango whiskey india papa echo sierra oscar uniform tango tango hotel echo papa alpha tango hotel echo tango india charlie lima india tango tango lima echo tango hotel india november golf yankee oscar uniform charlie alpha lima lima yankee oscar uniform romeo lima india foxtrot echo. Y oscar uniform ' romeo echo foxtrot uniform charlie kilo india november golf delta echo alpha delta , kilo india delta. I charlie alpha november bravo echo alpha november yankee whiskey hotel echo romeo echo , alpha november yankee tango india mike echo , alpha november delta i charlie alpha november kilo india lima lima yankee oscar uniform india november oscar victor echo romeo sierra echo victor echo november hotel uniform november delta romeo echo delta whiskey alpha yankee sierra , alpha november delta tango hotel alpha tango ' sierra juliett uniform sierra tango whiskey india tango hotel mike yankee bravo alpha romeo echo hotel alpha november delta sierra. N oscar tango oscar november lima yankee alpha mike i echo xray tango echo november sierra india victor echo lima yankee tango romeo alpha india november echo delta india november uniform november alpha romeo mike echo delta charlie oscar mike bravo alpha tango , bravo uniform tango i hotel alpha victor echo alpha charlie charlie echo sierra sierra tango oscar tango hotel echo echo november tango india romeo echo alpha romeo sierra echo november alpha lima oscar foxtrot tango hotel echo u november india tango echo delta s tango alpha tango echo sierra m alpha romeo india november echo c oscar romeo papa sierra alpha november delta i whiskey india lima lima uniform sierra echo india tango tango oscar india tango sierra foxtrot uniform lima lima echo xray tango echo november tango tango oscar whiskey india papa echo yankee oscar uniform romeo mike india sierra echo romeo alpha bravo lima echo alpha sierra sierra oscar foxtrot foxtrot tango hotel echo foxtrot alpha charlie echo oscar foxtrot tango hotel echo charlie oscar november tango india november echo november tango , yankee oscar uniform lima india tango tango lima echo sierra hotel india tango. I foxtrot oscar november lima yankee yankee oscar uniform charlie oscar uniform lima delta hotel alpha victor echo kilo november oscar whiskey november whiskey hotel alpha tango uniform november hotel oscar lima yankee romeo echo tango romeo india bravo uniform tango india oscar november yankee oscar uniform romeo lima india tango tango lima echo " charlie lima echo victor echo romeo " charlie oscar mike mike echo november tango whiskey alpha sierra alpha bravo oscar uniform tango tango oscar bravo romeo india november golf delta oscar whiskey november uniform papa oscar november yankee oscar uniform , mike alpha yankee bravo echo yankee oscar uniform whiskey oscar uniform lima delta hotel alpha victor echo hotel echo lima delta yankee oscar uniform romeo foxtrot uniform charlie kilo india november golf tango oscar november golf uniform echo. B uniform tango yankee oscar uniform charlie oscar uniform lima delta november ' tango , yankee oscar uniform delta india delta november ' tango , alpha november delta november oscar whiskey yankee oscar uniform ' romeo echo papa alpha yankee india november golf tango hotel echo papa romeo india charlie echo , yankee oscar uniform golf oscar delta delta alpha mike november india delta india oscar tango. I whiskey india lima lima sierra hotel india tango foxtrot uniform romeo yankee alpha lima lima oscar victor echo romeo yankee oscar uniform alpha november delta yankee oscar uniform whiskey india lima lima delta romeo oscar whiskey november india november india tango. Y oscar uniform ' romeo echo foxtrot uniform charlie kilo india november golf delta echo alpha delta , kilo india delta delta oscar.
April 2021

Navy Seal

These are classic hedge fund tricks.

WHAT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW IS NOT A SELL-OFF. Melvin Capital is going to throw a lot of tricks at us that will make it look like the stock is dropping. Don't fall for it. Do not sell if you see any of these things happen: GME drops by 30% or more after hours SEC filings show that shorts have all exited their positions GME drops below $1 a share The Gamestop locations near you start closing GME files for bankruptcy GME is delisted from the stock exchange Your bank forecloses on your home for late payment Your children have children of their own who grow up and become investment bankers and tell you that you should stop telling people you're "diamond handing" a company that went out of business 30 years ago These are classic hedge fund tricks.
February 2021


Hello there, Octavian! This is Kurt McGriff

twitchquotes: Hello there, Octavian! This is Kurt McGriff, executive producer for the Food Channel. We have reviewed your recent application to be a host of your own TV show on our network titled, "Salty Vegan Eats - A Pro Gamer's Way of Life" However, after further reviewing your claim of being an "extremely popular professional gamer" we found the evidence lacking. Mr. Octavian, casually playing a children's card game does not make you a "pro gamer." Have a nice day and good luck to your future endeavors.
twitch chat
July 2017


Could someone explain forsen to me?

twitchquotes: Could someone explain forsen to me? I watched his stream for the first time yesterday, always seen him in clips and he spent roughly 80 to 90 percent of the time not talking while his chat spammed a bunch of dogshit, is that all his streams are? Does he not do anything but just sit there silently all day?
twitch chat
January 2022

Hey Kripp. it's Chris from Overwolf

twitchquotes: Hey Kripp. it's Chris from Overwolf. We're sorry to say we have to terminate your sponsor contract due to the fact that you consistently keep losing, even though you're using decks drafted through the HearthArena app. You are simply bringing us too much unneeded bad reputation, so we figure we'd just channel the funds we spend on you on a better player like Amaz. Sorry for this, and good luck in the future.
twitch chat
September 2018


Trump wakes up chained to the wall

twitchquotes: Trump wakes up chained to the wall of a small room with Kripp standing over him. Orange Juice begins pouring from the walls, quickly filling the space. Trump screams in horror as he struggles to get free. Kripp walks out, shuts the door and sits down to begin his stream, the white wall of the death chamber visible behind him for all his viewers to see
twitch chat
July 2015

Grow up chat, grow up

twitchquotes: This chat disgusts me. 40% of the chat are 41 year olds pretending to be 14. The other 40% are 14 year olds pretending to be 41. And the remaining 30% just copy pastes the longest message they can find in the chat. Grow up chat, grow up
twitch chat
March 2019

I hate Twitch Chat

Give me a second guys, Dex says

twitchquotes: "Give me a second, guys," Dex says. "Gotta hit up the mailman" He turns down the volume on his bork, and immediately gives Kripp a swift kick down the stairs. As Kripp yelps loudly in pain, Dex overturns the nearest chair, yelling "Fuck this delivery!" as loudly as he can. Fey tries to calm him down, but Dex swiftly bodyslams her onto a glass coffee table. After taking a few deep breaths, Dex wipes the blood off of his snout, sits back down at his ball, and resumes being a good doggy
twitch chat
January 2019
Text-to-Speech Playing