I don’t know what Overwatch is. There’s a gorilla and some lesbians and guns but yall never play the gorilla I don’t know. And then sometimes if that wasn’t bad enough sometimes you go and just invent new Overwatches. Like just when I’m getting a handle on what “Junkrat kin discourse” is yall show up with “This is my new OC her name is Grandma Sniper” and then SHE’S part of the Overwatchers. “This is Swedish Beefcake” could yall? not?? I still don’t know what a Hanzo is.
Submitted by:anonymous
I don’t know what Overwatch is. There’s a gorilla and some lesbians and guns but yall never play the gorilla I don’t know. And then sometimes if that wasn’t bad enough sometimes you go and just invent new Overwatches. Like just when I’m getting a handle on what “Junkrat kin discourse” is yall show up with “This is my new OC her name is Grandma Sniper” and then SHE’S part of the Overwatchers. “This is Swedish Beefcake” could yall? not?? I still don’t know what a Hanzo is.
I don’t know what Overwatch is. There’s a gorilla and some lesbians and guns but yall never play the gorilla I don’t know. And then sometimes if that wasn’t bad enough sometimes you go and just invent new Overwatches. Like just when I’m getting a handle on what “Junkrat kin discourse” is yall show up with “This is my new OC her name is Grandma Sniper” and then SHE’S part of the Overwatchers. “This is Swedish Beefcake” could yall? not?? I still don’t know what a Hanzo is.
Submitted by:anonymous
I don’t know what Overwatch is. There’s a gorilla and some lesbians and guns but yall never play the gorilla I don’t know. And then sometimes if that wasn’t bad enough sometimes you go and just invent new Overwatches. Like just when I’m getting a handle on what “Junkrat kin discourse” is yall show up with “This is my new OC her name is Grandma Sniper” and then SHE’S part of the Overwatchers. “This is Swedish Beefcake” could yall? not?? I still don’t know what a Hanzo is.
Submitted by:inyobest
* Howdy!
* FLOWEY the FLOWER!* Hmmm...* You're new to the
UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha?* Golly, you must be
so confused.* Someone ought to teach
you how things work
around here!* I guess little old me
will have to do.* Ready?
* Here we go!See that heart?
That is your SOUL,
the very culmination
of your being!Your SOUL starts off
weak, but can grow
strong if you gain
a lot of LV.What's LV stand for?
Why, LOVE, of course!You want some
LOVE, don't you?Don't worry,
I'll share some
with you!Down here, LOVE is
shared through...Little white...
pellets."Are you ready?Move around!
Get as many as
you can!You idiot.In this world, it's
kill or BE killed.Why would ANYONE pass
up an opportunity
like this!?Die.
Submitted by:PKFireGod
Flowey the Flower script
* Howdy!
* FLOWEY the FLOWER!* Hmmm...* You're new to the
UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha?* Golly, you must be
so confused.* Someone ought to teach
you how things work
around here!* I guess little old me
will have to do.* Ready?
* Here we go!See that heart?
That is your SOUL,
the very culmination
of your being!Your SOUL starts off
weak, but can grow
strong if you gain
a lot of LV.What's LV stand for?
Why, LOVE, of course!You want some
LOVE, don't you?Don't worry,
I'll share some
with you!Down here, LOVE is
shared through...Little white...
pellets."Are you ready?Move around!
Get as many as
you can!You idiot.In this world, it's
kill or BE killed.Why would ANYONE pass
up an opportunity
like this!?Die.
🏆Who is champ?🏆 AND HIS NAME IS 👀👀👀JOHN CENA 👀👀✔✔✔✔ johnCENA✔💯JOHnCeNA💯JOHN CENA✔✔ Are you ready to GeT 💯slammed?!✔✔ 👌👌You aR👌e If I do👀 say so 🏆I say so🏆👀👀👀 💯 ONLY IN TODAYS 👌👌WWE SUPERSLAM👌👌✔✔💯(Chorus: DOOT DO DO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)👌👌👌🏆🏆👌👌👌👀✔✔👀🏆👀 John Cena👀✔
🏆Who is champ?🏆 AND HIS NAME IS 👀👀👀JOHN CENA 👀👀✔✔✔✔ johnCENA✔💯JOHnCeNA💯JOHN CENA✔✔ Are you ready to GeT 💯slammed?!✔✔ 👌👌You aR👌e If I do👀 say so 🏆I say so🏆👀👀👀 💯 ONLY IN TODAYS 👌👌WWE SUPERSLAM👌👌✔✔💯(Chorus: DOOT DO DO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)👌👌👌🏆🏆👌👌👌👀✔✔👀🏆👀 John Cena👀✔
Honestly I rate Froggen very high, he is one of the most consistent players. I don't know why he does not play for an LCS team. He would give so much stability. Would be nice to see him leading a young team.
Submitted by:Steroidbrucie
I had a discussion with chat about Froggen being in LCS after I wrote that, people used it for copy/pasta lol. It wasn't intended as such but, it's positive so why not.
Honestly I rate Froggen very high, he is one of the most consistent players. I don't know why he does not play for an LCS team. He would give so much stability. Would be nice to see him leading a young team.
Go to the bathroom at 3:33 am, then open youtube and play persona 5 royale song then do the Ryuji face and repeat the word 4REAL?!?!?! in front to the mirror for 666 times, if the ritual worked then a voice from your parents room will say "shut up", you will then hear Morgana walk to the bathroom, at this point destroy the mirror before he enters In the bathroom if the ritual worked then the next day your parents will start discussing about you having mental problems
Submitted by:anonymous
Go to the bathroom at 3:33 am, then open youtube and play persona 5 royale song then do the Ryuji face and repeat the word 4REAL?!?!?! in front to the mirror for 666 times, if the ritual worked then a voice from your parents room will say "shut up", you will then hear Morgana walk to the bathroom, at this point destroy the mirror before he enters In the bathroom if the ritual worked then the next day your parents will start discussing about you having mental problems