[Copypasta] good news, my sisters pregnant!

good news, my sisters pregnant! i'm going to be a .... uncle, you thought i was going to say Dad but i stopped banging my sister years ago
March 2021
What happened to this ad? :(
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Al salem Kripperion!

twitchquotes: Al salem Kripperion! This be brother Al-Saq-Quadir Prince of Oilrabia, in my country we don't have currency, we only trade in brofist. You have a magnificent one krippFist, I be prepared to offer 50 million USD for your amputated right hand forever preserved while brofisting, thank you for understanding Kripp, and see you in my dungeon.
twitch chat
June 2015

Kripp is MY MAN

twitchquotes: ļ¼¤ļ½…ļ½ļ½’ ļ¼«ļ½’ļ½‰ļ½ļ½ļ¼‡ļ½“ ļ¼§ļ½ļ½™ ļ¼§ļ½’ļ½…ļ½…ļ½‹ ļ¼¢ļ½ļ½™ļ½†ļ½’ļ½‰ļ½…ļ½Žļ½„ļ¼Œ ļ½™ļ½ļ½• ļ½ļ½‰ļ½…ļ½ƒļ½… ļ½ļ½† ļ½…ļ½Œ ļ½„ļ½ļ½‡ ļ½“ļ½ˆļ½‰ļ½”ļ½…ļ½’ļ½‰ļ½Žļ½ļ¼Ž ļ¼“ļ½ˆļ½… ļ¼«ļ½’ļ½‰ļ½ļ½ ļ½‰ļ½“ ļ¼­ļ¼¹ ļ¼­ļ¼”ļ¼®ļ¼Ž ļ¼”ļ½Žļ½„ ļ½™ļ½ļ½• ļ½‚ļ½…ļ½”ļ½”ļ½…ļ½’ ļ½‚ļ½ļ½ƒļ½‹ ļ½”ļ½ˆļ½… ļ½†ļ½•ļ½ƒļ½‹ ļ½ļ½†ļ½†ļ¼Ž ļ¼°ļ½Œļ½š ļ½Žļ½ ļ½ƒļ½ļ½ļ½™ ļ½ļ½ļ½“ļ½”ļ½…ļ½’ļ½‰ļ½Žļ½ ļ½ļ½Œ ļ½ļ½ļ½ƒļ½‰ļ½Žļ½ ļ½ļ½‰ļ½“ļ½”ļ½ļ½ƒļ½ˆļ½‰ļ½
twitch chat
March 2014

Win any online argument by replying with this

Don't care + didn't ask + L + Ratio + soyjak + beta + cringe + stfu + cope + seethe + ok boomer + incel + virgin + Karen + šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” + you are not just a clown, you are the entire circus + šŸ’…šŸ’…šŸ’… + nah this ain't it + do better + check your privilege + pronouns in bio + anime pfp + šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤® + the cognitive dissonance is real with this one + small dick energy + šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ + lol copium + snowflake + šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© + those tears taste delicious + Lisa Simpson meme template saying that your opinion is wrong + šŸ˜’šŸ™„šŸ§šŸ¤Ø + wojak meme in which I'm the chad + average your opinion fan vs average my opinion enjoyer + random k-pop fancam + cry more + how's your wife's boyfriend doing + Cheetos breath + Intelligence 0 + r/whooooosh + r/downvotedtooblivion + blocked and reported + yo Momma so fat + I fucked your mom last night + what zero pussy does to a mf + Jesse what the fuck are you talking about + holy shit go touch some grass + cry about it + get triggered
November 2021


Hot Twitch streamers are just not good for my health

Her streams are just not good for my health. She is so hot I skip every stage and go straight to post nut clarity, then I get a deep feeling of loneliness and dread. I just don't know what to do with myself and everything seems pointless.
December 2021


I will cut off your dick if you cheat on me

(āœæ ā—•ā€æā—•) į“„āœ‚ā•°Uā•Æ
April 2021
Text-to-Speech Playing