older than 11 haHAA turning 13 in may haHAA you guessed it right haHAA im 12 btw hahAA
I used to be a real ad
hey guys, ninja sub here, I am hardstuck gold
twitchquotes:hey guys, ninja sub here, I am hardstuck gold and i loveeee fortnite! all the cool kids at my school play it, and i subbed to ninja because he told me to, and he has lots of viewers
hey guys, ninja sub here, I am hardstuck gold and i loveeee fortnite! all the cool kids at my school play it, and i subbed to ninja because he told me to, and he has lots of viewers haHAA
twitchquotes: : mommy! kripp just read my message! : who's kripp honey? : A mid-aged man , playing cartoon games to entertain children, here's a picture of him. way to go son \ /
haHAA : mommy! kripp just read my message! HotPokket : who's kripp honey? haHAA : A mid-aged man , playing cartoon games to entertain children, BabyRage here's a picture of him. HotPokket Clap KKona Clap way to go son \ haHAA /
(▀̿Ĺ̯├┬┴┬┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
I was born with glass bones and paper skin
twitchquotes: I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.
haHAA I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep. haHAA
You have exceeded your monthly allowance of haHAA
twitchquotes:This is Comcast. You have exceeded your monthly allowance of and will pay overage fees of $20 per for the rest of this billing cycle.
This is Comcast. You have exceeded your monthly allowance of haHAA and will pay overage fees of $20 per haHAA for the rest of this billing cycle.
Metal isn't so great? Are you kidding me?
twitchquotes:Metal isn't so great? Are you kidding me? metal requires more talent than any other genre of music. And moonmoon_ow hates it? Thats ridiculous, metal is the best unlike stupid normie music. Moonmoon_ow shouldn't do this stupid restriction when many people (including me btw) love the music. metal is just too complex and cerebral for the masses to consume. dont feel bad. you are just all idiots.12 btw
Metal isn't so great? Are you kidding me? metal requires more talent than any other genre of music. And moonmoon_ow hates it? Thats ridiculous, metal is the best unlike stupid normie music. Moonmoon_ow shouldn't do this stupid restriction when many people (including me btw) love the music. metal is just too complex and cerebral for the masses to consume. dont feel bad. you are just all idiots.12 btw haHAA
Subbin to Bjergsen when his emote is free
twitchquotes:subbing to bjergsen when his emote is free
haHAA they say it's impossible to be happy & sad at the same time haHAA My wife told me i have the biggest d*ck out of all my brothers haHAA
I used to be a real ad
Ram Ranch Hearthstone
twitchquotes: 22 Murlocs in the at Tavern Brawl! Big hard mind blasts wanting to be RENOUNCED! 22 Armorsmiths wanting to be pinged! Holy Novas in the at Tavern Brawl! On their wanting to topdeck Krippo salt! Tavern Brawl really rocks!
Jebaited 22 Murlocs in the PJSalt at Tavern Brawl! Big hard mind blasts wanting to be RENOUNCED! 22 Armorsmiths wanting to be pinged! Holy Novas in the PJSalt at Tavern Brawl! On their haHAA wanting to topdeck Krippo salt! Tavern Brawl really rocks! Jebaited